Help – After Hours Property Emergency… or is it?

24/7 property emergency services from Larlyn Property Management.

After regular business hours, Larlyn provides a very efficient emergency response system in order to respond to appropriate emergencies, which are situations that can cause damage to property.

 Our Emergency Line can be reached at (866) 367-2416

Unfortunately we can do little about your neighbor’s dog barking at 3:00 a.m., but a call to the neighbor or, as a last resort, to the local police about the disturbance may help get immediate attention. The best way for this kind of a situation to be handled in the long term, is for you and your other affected neighbors to report it in writing to the Board of Directors  or Building Managers.

 Prowlers and vandals are best handled by the local law enforcement officials. That is not to say that the Board or management does not want to know about this activity. They do, in order to monitor the community.  But the quickest, most effective response and enforcement will come from the Police Department.  However, if a broken common area sprinkler or irrigation timer is threatening property, the management company should be notified so that the landscape contractor can be called to solve the problem.

Rule of thumb to remember when determining whether or not to call the management company after-hours:

Is it a property threatening situation?

If not reported immediately, will it cause personal or property damage?

Can it be addressed by one of the Corporation’s or Larlyn’s contractors?

If YES, then call.

After hours on-call personnel will be notified and the situation addressed.

Remember, your Condo Board of Directors and property managers depend upon the eyes and ears of the community to make sure that all of the community’s needs are met. Please don’t hesitate to contact management during normal business hours with any questions you may have about the after hours policy.

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